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Accueil > L’association > Join Us

Join Us

jeudi 15 mai 2014, par Hugh

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

Sentience is open to all students of NUI Maynooth, if you wish to join us and lend us your talents (be they artistic, rhetorical, technical, organisational or a passion for sewing (you never know !), writing, cooking, drawing) and of course, your own good humour, send us an email at sentience.maynooth[at]gmail.com or approach us on campus !

As with all NUIM societies, there is a fee of €2 to join the society, this will go towards funding of events, and printing of leaflets (and maybe some food for meetings :D)

If you are not a student at NUI Maynooth, (which is very possible), you can also start your own branch in your university ! To get information and advice on how to do this, contact us at sentience.maynooth[at]gmail.com

Being a member entitles you to :

- Access the member’s section of the Sentience forum.
- Organise events and demonstrations
- Participate in the decision-process of the society

In spite of the hierarchical structure necessary for the establishment of societies in NUIM, Sentience aims to be as democratic as possible, with each member having an equal say in what the society does, and how !

To join the society, click here.

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