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Accueil > L’association > A Student Forum for the Animals

A Student Forum for the Animals

mercredi 21 mai 2014, par Hugh

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

If you are a student, in university, secondary school or even primary school, speak English or French, and are interested in animal rights ; Sign up to our forum now !

Learn, discuss, and debate ideas, articles, films and books !

Think about and analyse strategies to put into to place so as to recognise the equal value and interest of a non-human animal to live their lives, and to put an end to our exploitation of them through the abolition of livestock farming (including fish and poultry) and slaughterhouses.

Organise and receive advice and help for events to raise awareness (International Day without Meat, stands against vivisection, fur farming, etc.) in universities, secondary schools, and other institutions of learning.

Share advice and experiences for demonstrations and events, and also vegan recipes :)

Join us over at the forum

NB : As a profile name, we advise you to use your first name so as to avoid confusion ! Once you have signed up, a moderator will assign you to a group (Irish or French students) which in turn allows you to see all of the forums (I tried hard not to type ‘fora’, believe me) and to post !